Buy Me A Drink!

As a guy obsessed with time travel, I have to say I'm fascinated with the future. I think about everything we have accomplished so far and I truly get amazed. If I could go back in time and talk to my past self and tell him all the crap we have, it would blow his goddamn mind. I mean, a small rectangle that EVERYONE carries around can make phone calls, look up information at the drop of a hat, and most importantly, take pictures of our food! Actually, past me probably wouldn't understand the whole taking pictures of food thing. Present me barely understands that. And I take pictures of board games I'm playing.

The Grimm Forest is a great game, you guys.

Anyway, another thing that blows my mind is all the different apps and websites we have that provide services. Past me would think you were CRAZY if he found out there's a whole business dedicated to strangers picking you up and taking you to places. Weren't we taught not to get into strangers cars? Now we GIVE these people money and HOPE they're not psychopaths? And if you were hungry back in 1998, you only could order pizza and Chinese food. Now, fucking KFC can be at your door in 20 minutes...or in my case 3 and a half hours. Crazy, man!

If you have an idea for a business, you can go onto a couple of different websites, present your idea, and hope people believe in your idea enough to give you all the money to make that idea come true! Before you actually had to know someone who knew someone who knew someone that MIGHT look at your invention before presenting it to the masses.

Hell, even publishing. I've always wanted to be a writer since I was a kid. My head was just filled with wonderful stories that I furiously wrote down in composition books. I loved coming up with imaginative situations and dialogues and characters. But I was lead to believe you had to be a PROFESSIONAL in order to get published. Now, thanks to Amazon, any fucking weirdo can throw up words onto a Word document and publish it and get money for it. This is the only reason I can call myself a "published" writer. Am I famous for it? Not really. But can anyone find my stories anytime? Yes! And to me, that's more important than being "famous".

Although, getting paid for it wouldn't hurt.

Speaking of...

This whole post was just an excuse to mention I know have one of those "tip jar" pages. These caused controversy back in my movie blogging days cause "you shouldn't ask for money for doing something that's essentially free". I honestly didn't get the big deal because it's not like they were FORCING you to pay something. Some people like to donate cause of things they've seen or heard. Nothing wrong with that.

So why shouldn't I do something similiar? I chose this website called "ko-fi" cause it's a bit less intrusive. Basically, if you like anything I've written so far and want to show some appreciation, you can "buy me a coffee". Right now, coffee's apparently seem to cost 3 bucks. I wasn't even trying to go for that much but I'll take it.

And the funny thing is, I don't even drink coffee, I don't like the taste of it. I have to have like 20 pounds of sugar and 10 bottles of cream for me to drink one cup. But, as my profile says, there isn't a "buy me a Dr. Pepper" site until I create that in 10 years. With the money you give me.

And one final thing. You DO NOT, and I mean, DO NOT have to give anything. This website is free for me to have and it's free for you to read. You are under NO OBLIGATION to give me ANYTHING. It's just there IF YOU WANT to. I won't mention it on every post, I won't spam it on my Facebook or Twitter. It'll be on this post and off to the side and that's it. Sometimes I struggle with getting you guys to even comment on my shit, I don't have high expectations that you'll throw a couple of bucks my way.

But if you do, I do thank you from the bottom of my heart. And if you contribute, and you drink coffee, I'll do you the favor and buy you one. It's the least I can do.

