Jesus, Jason, ANOTHER Blog?!?

Hi! My name is Jason Soto-

*it says that on the top of the blog, you idiot*

Right. Well anyway, this is my new blog-

*it ALSO says that on the top*

Yeah...Ok. So this is possibly my 4th blog now? But who's counting?

*I am*

Thank you so much. Anyway, I went from having a B-Movie/Horror Blog to a general movie website to having a place to store all my YouTube videos that I haven't felt like making lately to a place where the podcast I host is stored. And the only one that still lives is the podcast one and that one's not doing that well.

*It's not doing well? How is it not doing well?*

Well, we had to skip doing an episode in June cause of things that happened in my life and time got away from me...

*Excuses Excuses...*

ANYWAY, I had a website/blog called CineGamer but I deactivated that cause I wasn't using it much and I was actually paying money for it, which seemed like a waste. But after a month or so of not having it, I actually felt like writing but I also didn't need the pressure of doing it by having to pay for it. So back to the good ol' free blogspot! Yay!!

This time though, I'm gonna blog about...anything. Everything. Whatever. My life, things I've eaten, people I've met, games I've played, and of course movies. This will probably be 85% about movies but the other 15% will be a doozy!! Also, don't expect a post every day, every week or every month. It'll literally be whenever I feel like it. And I'll link to it in various places so you should see it.

So I hope you guys like what I have for you-

*You've been blogging for 15 god damn fucking years, we know what you have in store for us: terrible run-on sentences, misspelled words, and terrible grammar mixed with a lot of fucks.*

True. Well, until next time!

*Jesus, he still ends posts with a dash and his name. HIS NAME IS ON THE FUCKING BLOG!! FUCK THIS GUY! Let's go to a GOOD movie website like*


  1. I wish this was on wordpress Im horrible at following updates on this site. Still I will gladly seek out your post from time to time on here. Keep rocking my good man

    1. Or, you know, follow me on Twitter and Facebook where I'll post the links. :P :) Thanks, Vern!


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