Trailer Tuesday: Shazam!

I'm going to admit something here. I'm not a big comic book guy. I didn't spend my childhood reading all the comics. I read SOME. The one I did read weren't your typical superhero comics. I read most of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics. I read some ALF comics. Yes, there were comic books based on ALF. Mainly about his life on Melmac. But I read them. And I read Bill & Ted comics. OOH! There was so some Back to the Future ones as well! God, I wish I could find those again...

I HAD THIS ONE! And it totally looks like he's fucking that seal.

Anyway, I only read certain superhero ones but there's a lot I'm not familiar with. For example, Shazam! I've never even heard of this until this trailer dropped last week. I know absolutely nothing, which leaves me with some questions I'll ask after the trailer embed.

1. Wouldn't it be refreshing if just once we had a superhero origin that didn't involve dead parents or an outcast? I know they're catering to comic book nerds who probably had one or another (I'm guessing) but how great would it be if it was like "OK, Mom, Dad, I'm going to school. Hey, I'm popular in school. WHA? SUPER POWERS!! AWESOME!!!!"

2. Is the Shazam suit suppose to look big and rubbery? I mean I cam from the era that put out Batman & Robin, a movie that put goddamn nipples on the suit and we shunned the fuck out of them. But this is OK?

3. I noticed that Batman and Superman gets a shoutout, is this Shazam guy suppose to be LIKE Superman?

4. How much you wanna bet there's a scene where he misuses his powers, gets it temporarily taken away from him, RIGHT when he needs it the most, and whoever took them away from him goes "oh alright, here" right at the last minute? I bet it's in there.

Anyway, I did like the trailer and I'll probably go see it. I do prefer Marvel MOVIES but I have no issues with DC movies like everyone else does.
