Trailer Tuesday: The Thing (1982)

Sometimes it's fun to go back and watch the trailers for classic movies and imagine what it'd be like watching it for the first time. What you think the movie is about or how it'll play out. Of course if you've seen the movie a thousand times, it's hard to pretend you don't know what's going to happen when they show you a now classic scene. But take today's trailer for example.

We all know what the movie is about, what the goretastic scenes are, and who becomes The Thing. But pretendin it's 1982 and you're sitting there waiting for, I don't know, 48 Hours (man, 1982 was a rockin' year for movie!) to come on and you watch this trailer. What did they find under the ice? What's chasing them? What could be so horrific they'd have to use a flamethrower? And HOLY SHIT WAS THAT A GUY'S HEAD DETACHING FROM A BODY?!?

This is how a trailer should be. I miss these kind of trailers, the kind that only give you just enough to peak your interest. That's why this is this week's Trailer Tuesday.
