Trailer Tuesday: Halloween (2018)

We live in a strange timeline now. I never knew that you could set out to make a movie and just say "I'm going to completely ignore 8 movies and make an alternate sequel to a movie from 1978." And that's what we got today. Well, this dropped a few days ago, but whatever.

I will admit I am curious about this take. We get to completely ignore the whole "Laurie is Michael's sister" bit and go back to making him a creepy motherfucker who just walks around silently, just killing people. I will admit, it's been awhile since I've seen the first movie but I felt like he only teenagers whereas in this trailer he killed an old lady. But we'll see. Too bad Donald Pleasence isn't around to chase after him. That would be worth the price of admission alone.

Let me know in the comments what you think about this new take and if you're going to see it or why you're going to avoid it.
