Captain Marvel Is Stupendous! Or Something...

Captain Marvel isn't the BEST MCU movie (That honor goes to Infinity War) but I also enjoyed myself. With that said, I did have one slight problem that, coming from a "half-white male", might sound problematic so I'll need you to hang on and stick with me, OK?

They tried WAY too hard in the "girl power" department. By that I mean there were a whole bunch of scenes of guys telling Carol/Captain Marvel/Vers that she should give up because she's a girl and she defiantly stands up and says "NO!" This would've been OK once but several times throughout the movie? And having a guy tell her "you should smile" was like "OK, we get it, she's a woman, guys are assholes". I admit men are assholes but there are other ways to show that our lead character is confidant and a bad ass.

Like take Ripley from Alien. No one ever told her "hey just smile" or "You should stay behind while us MEN fight this alien" (Well, sort of in Aliens, but not so in your face). And the final nail on the head was the use of "Just A Girl" during the third act. I felt like the filmmakers behind this movie were less "let's make her a bad ass" and more "EMPOWERMENT! FUCK YEAH!" I get the whole "we need to make this for girls and this isn't for you and yadda yadda yadda" but there are ways to do that without pandering to the audience. Everything was one step away from having Carol rip a tiara off a little girl's head and say "YOU BE THE PRESIDENT WHEN YOU GROW UP OR ELSE!"

With that said, I really did enjoy this movie. I do think Brie Larson was fantastic and I look forward to seeing her in the future as this character. I enjoyed her interaction with Nick Fury. The CGI to make Samuel L. Jackson and Clark Gregg young was good and didn't take me out of the movie. And of course for a '90s junkie like me, the soundtrack was fucking amazing!

I also like how they avoided two tropes: the "I'm really from outer space, chasing aliens trying to protect your planet and NOT a raving lunatic so please let me go from police custody so I can do my job" and instead of there being a 20-minute hand-to-hand combat with the villain, she just blasted the fool. I also did like the twist which I won't spoil but I thought it was cool and went in an interesting direction. Also, I hope we see more of Carol's friend Monica and her daughter, they were amazing.

But the star of this was Goose. I won't say why but I want a Goose movie like RIGHT NOW!

I hope you all aren't burning my blog to the ground with what I said. It sucks that I, a male, had to have these opinions but keep in mind I'm not like other dudes who were like "FUCK THIS MOVIE! CHICKS CAN'T BE A LEAD SUPERHERO!! TESTICLES FOR LIFE!!!!" I went into this movie with an open mind and high expectations and my expectations were only lowered just a tad but I still had fun, I'm glad this movie does exist, and can't wait for the next in the series.

I give this four Men's Right Activists out of five. Please be kind in the comments.
