Trailer Tuesday: Midsommar

That's going to be fun to say when you buy tickets for this movie.

"Hi, how can I help you?"
"Two for Mid-sooo-maar!"
"Excuse me?"
"Are you have a stroke? Do you need medical assistance?"


The guy who made Hereditary, which I have seen and enjoyed, decided to make a 2019 version of The Wicker Man, but this time from the point of view of the people on the island? I suppose that works.

I will say I do enjoy the stark look the movie has and think the acting was top notch but I think I'm also gonna wait until it's out on blu/DVD to watch because this could be like The Witch and be SUPER SLOW AND BORING for 95% of the movie and the last 10 minutes be balls to the walls nutso. Then again, Hereditary didn't have constant scares or terror but was compelling enough to keep me interested throughout the whole thing.

I'm also a fan of how we have sophisticated horror movies now, which maybe thanks to Jordan Peele and Get Out. I know they've been around a lot longer like Rosemary's Baby or even the aforementioned original Wicker Man, but I think Get Out started this recent trend of "horror doesn't need blood splattering gore nor fucked up imagery in order to portray terror. So take THAT, Rob Zombie!" Cause, you know, fancy people hate Rob Zombie. That's a fact!

So tell me in the comments what you think about this movie and if you like fancy horror movies or down and dirty horror, I'm curious what you think!
