Season 1 Episode Guide of Maniac With A Machete

In The Beginning! I had an idea. I wanted to cover every single Friday the 13th film but I wanted to cover them with someone who's never seen them and get their point of view on each film. See, I grew up watching all of these movies and they were near and dear to my heart (with a few exceptions). But what did a typical non-horror nerd think about them? Maybe they actually sucked? Maybe they were better than I thought? And what about all the weird shit that happened in the middle of the series. This was a goal I wanted to see happen. So I made a list of people who I think would be fun to discuss these films with and was pretty sure they never seen any of the movies.

The first person I asked, Rachel Thuro, said yes and she loved the idea. Rachel and I go way, way back. We met thanks to The LAMBcast, the podcast of The Large Association of Movie Blogs, which I have been a member of since the very beginning, along with Rachel. She and I became good friends and we had a lot in common: movie nerd, loves MST3K, and is pretty hilarious. And she hadn't seen ANY of movies and was interested in seeing them. So we set up a date in May to record the first episode and we got this train a-rolling!

Episode 1: Six Degrees of Jason Voorhees
We covered the very first film in which I explained the concept of the podcast and talked about Pamela Voorhees and how great of a mother she is.

Episode 2: Sexy Slingshot
This episode featured us talking about Baghead Jason and if he is the best version of Jason out there. And we spend way too much time talking about how sexy slingshots are, only because this movie forced us to have that conversation.

Episode 3:A Shelly-bration
One of the things I was looking forward to talk about with Rachel was her reaction to Shelly, the most divisive character ever in Friday the 13th lore. Plus if three people are considered a "gang" and can hammocks actually be beds?

Episode 4: Crispin Glover Died For Your Sins
Considering this movie was called The Final Chapter, Rachel was confused on what the next 8 episodes of this show was going to be about. I told her it was going to turn into a cooking podcast and we were gonna share receipes. But before that, we get to witness the glory that is Crispin Glover dancing. By the way, Rachel secretly loves Crispin, but don't tell anyone.

Episode 5: The Fifth Episode
OK, this episode did have a title, but I lost all the info on it so I don't remember what I called it. I know it had something to do with the slow guy getting killed over a chocolate bar but that's all I can remember. This episode also featured another amazing dance scene:

Which amazingly enough, the actress recreated years later:

Episode 6: Jason Voorhees: Feminist
I cannot clearly explain why I LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie. I tried my damndest, but I don't think Rachel clearly understood how awesome this movie was. I called it the "Airplane!" of slasher movies because it felt like a spoof of Friday the 13th, but it WAS a Friday the 13th movie! This was also Kane Hodder's first time playing Jason. I can't stress enough, if you only see ONE Friday the 13th film, see this one.

Episode 7: Carrie vs Jason
The only thing I remember from this episode was I was sick and couldn't think of a more clever title. I also didn't feel like editing in clips of the movie between the movie discussion, which was probably for the best cause there wasn't much anyway. But it's got Bernie from Weekend at Bernie's, so there's that.

Episode 8: Jason Takes (His Time Getting To) Manhattan
Rachel inspired this awesome title because holy fuck this movie. Also, the best thing happened before recording this episode. I was waiting around on Skype for Rachel to get on. When her name came up, she sent me a message that only said "I'M DRUNK, LET'S DO THIS!" I said "Oh boy..." and clicked on the call button. This resulted in a pretty damn good episode if I say so myself. I don't know how much of it she remembers though...

Episode 9: Eat Your Heart Out
When this episode was out, that Lizzo meme was running around the internet so this is also titled "I Took A DNA Test And Turns Out I'm 100% A Voorhees". This featured one of my favorite pictures, a banner in a crappy restaurant that declares JASON IS DEAD so all burgers are 2 For 1. When I die, I want someone to make this banner and hang it over my casket.

Episode 10: Evil Gets An Upload
So this joke is subtle but it's mentioned in the episode. The nerdy guy who has a female robot (boy, do we go down THAT road) reprograms the robot to be a super badass to fight Jason and he says "I gave her an upload" which I'm sure he meant to say "an upgrade". But then upload works as a sex joke. So I have no idea what they were going for. But anyway, Jason is in space. That's all you need to know about this one.

Episode 11: Chekhov's Woodchipper
The season finale where we cover the very much unneeded remake "Friday the 13th" which features a very extended sex scene, but oddly enough, that wasn't what was cut out! Turns out Rachel and I watched different cuts of this movie and they cut the most lame thing out, you wouldn't believe what it was. But yes, this is the end of season 1. In Season 2, we will return to cover all the Nightmare on Elm Street films, and end that season on Freddy vs Jason, in case you were wondering about that one. So stay tuned for that!! And thanks for listening!

